Sunday, March 29, 2009


I was devastated on Friday. She told me that everything that she had been telling me for a week and a half at least was a lie... or at least a half lie. She has been with this guy officially for all this time and she didn't tell me. She was using me as a support beam and a guy on the side this whole time since we broke up. It made me feel like dying... It really did. Fortunately, that same night I went to a friend's birthday party and everybody (and the alcohol) cheered me up as quick as they could and I had a blast. :-)

Then yesterday I went to a blind date function for a friend and it turned out soooo much better than expected. The girl looked great, the time talking with her and the two other people we went with was fun and funny. It was perfect, or as perfect as a blind date can go. haha

And before this date I saw Sara Bareilles live! That doesn't sound very exciting to someone like me at first, because her music is a little poppy to say the least, but it turned out great! She sounded amazing, looked amazing, and i was with my friends. It was great. :-)

So yeah! I had one of the worst things of my life happen to me, but then the stuff after that happened actually almost canceled it out... kinda! I wonder what's in store for me next... I really hope some good things because I need to make up for all the bad luck I have been having with the exception of Friday and yesterday.

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